Open Windows / by Annie Mitchell

I was speaking to my Dad on the phone the day I released this song and he, being concerned that I was locked away in some kind of Los Angeles dungeon, asked if I had windows in my studio. It struck me as a very sweet thing to ask. He wondered about my environment … it was a deep question without him even realizing it. So I named the song, Open Windows, after his very genuine concern for me. The video was shot in Summerlake, Oregon last March at my art residency there.

Speaking a bit more about genuine concern…

When I was a teenager, my Mom and I had a lot of problems because she made me think my feelings were somehow wrong. If I was sad; “don’t be sad”. If I was heartbroken; “don’t be, he wasn’t worth it”. My sister who was at home during my teenage years was a clone of my Mom .. always telling me I needed to be happier or needed to be better, but what neither one of them ever said was, “what you’re feeling is valid” or “I understand”. That voice, that of my oldest sister, moved out when I was nine.

It wasn’t until this pandemic when I was group chatting with my sisters that I realized this brand of “soothing” has been a pretty major fuck off in my life. As we discussed the fallout from the pandemic, I was triggered in such profound way by my sister telling me to be grateful instead of upset; I saw angst from 35 years unfold before my very eyes. I won’t lie .. I got very upset because it made me feel guilty for being sad when I have every right and reason to be. We are all understandably going through some pretty crazy emotional rollercoasters at the moment.

I urge you to be thoughtful with people and their emotions…particularly right now as we’re all under such extreme stress. Next time someone shares their fears or sadness with you .. try listening and empathizing instead of giving solutions. Feeling things deeply is core to who I am and even the best intentioned redirects are going to get you a big fuck off from my inner child. At our core, we all are seeking the same things. We all want to be heard and to be loved, so let’s do that. Listen and love.

And to you, I say … what you’re feeling is valid. No matter what it is. Emotions can bring us to the height of ecstasy and to the depths of despair. Both extremes are part of the human experience. Sit with it. You’re okay. I’ve got you.

Love and light,